Managing Smart Contract Upgradeability

Managing Smart Contract Upgradeability

Exploring the Different Approaches for Upgrading Smart Contracts


5 min read

As smart contracts become more widely adopted, developers may need to update their contracts to fix bugs, add new features, or address security vulnerabilities. However, because smart contracts are immutable and cannot be modified once they are deployed to the blockchain, developers must carefully consider how they will handle the process of upgrading their contracts.

There are several approaches that developers can take to manage the upgradeability of their smart contracts, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we will explore some of the most common techniques for upgrading smart contracts, including proxy contracts, contract-specific upgradeability patterns, and on-chain governance.

Proxy Contracts

One approach to upgrading smart contracts is to use a proxy contract. A proxy contract is a separate contract that is deployed to the blockchain and acts as an intermediary between the user and the main contract. The main contract is stored off-chain and is only loaded into the proxy contract when it is needed.

Using a proxy contract allows developers to update the main contract without affecting the existing contract address or the state of the blockchain. This is because the proxy contract simply directs calls and transactions to the latest version of the main contract, which is stored off-chain.

Here is an example of a simple proxy contract in Solidity:

Copy codepragma solidity ^0.5.11;

contract Proxy {
  address private _impl;

  constructor(address impl) public {
    _impl = impl;

  function upgrade(address newImpl) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can upgrade the contract.");
    _impl = newImpl;

  function() external {
    (bool success, bytes memory data) = _impl.delegatecall(;
    require(success, "The delegatecall to the implementation contract failed.");

In this example, the Proxy contract has an upgrade function that allows the owner of the contract to set a new implementation contract. The delegatecall function is used to execute a call to the implementation contract with the same caller and data as the original call to the proxy contract.

One advantage of using a proxy contract is that it allows developers to update the main contract without requiring users to take any action. However, it is important to note that the proxy contract itself must be deployed to the blockchain and cannot be updated once it is deployed. This means that developers must be careful to design the proxy contract in a way that is flexible enough to handle any future updates to the main contract.

Contract-Specific Upgradeability Patterns

Another approach to upgrading smart contracts is to use contract-specific upgradeability patterns. These patterns are specific to the needs of the contract and can be customized to fit the requirements of the contract.

One example of a contract-specific upgradeability pattern is the "forwarding contract" pattern. In this pattern, the main contract is deployed to the blockchain and is responsible for forwarding calls and transactions to an implementation contract. The implementation contract is stored off-chain and can be updated by the owner of the main contract.

Here is an example of a forwarding contract in Solidity:

Copy codepragma solidity ^0.5.11;

contract ForwardingContract {
  address private _impl;

  constructor(address impl) public {
    _impl = impl;

  function upgrade(address newImpl) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can upgrade the contract."

On-Chain Governance

Another approach to upgrading smart contracts is to use on-chain governance mechanisms. On-chain governance refers to the process of making decisions about the operation and maintenance of a smart contract through the use of voting or other decentralized decision-making processes.

There are several ways that developers can implement on-chain governance for their smart contracts. One approach is to use a voting system, where users can cast votes to approve or reject proposed updates to the contract. The votes can be weighted based on the stake of the voter, or they can be equal for all voters.

Here is an example of a simple voting system in Solidity:

Copy codepragma solidity ^0.5.11;

contract VotingSystem {
  struct Voter {
    bool voted;
    bool vote;

  mapping(address => Voter) private voters;
  uint private voteCount;

  function vote(bool approve) public {
    Voter storage voter = voters[msg.sender];
    require(!voter.voted, "You have already voted.");
    voter.voted = true; = approve;

  function getVoteCount() public view returns (uint) {
    return voteCount;

  function getVoteResult() public view returns (bool) {
    uint yesVotes = 0;
    uint noVotes = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < voteCount; i++) {
      if (voters[i].vote) {
      } else {
    return yesVotes > noVotes;

In this example, the VotingSystem contract has a vote function that allows users to cast their votes. The getVoteCount function returns the total number of votes that have been cast, and the getVoteResult function returns the result of the vote based on the number of yes and no votes.

On-chain governance can be a powerful tool for managing the upgradeability of smart contracts, as it allows the community of users to have a say in the direction of the contract. However, it is important to carefully design the voting process to ensure that it is fair and transparent.


Managing the upgradeability of smart contracts is an important consideration for developers. There are several approaches that developers can take, including using proxy contracts, contract-specific upgradeability patterns, and on-chain governance. Each approach has its own benefits and drawbacks, and the best approach will depend on the specific needs of the contract.

Regardless of the approach taken, it is important for developers to carefully plan and test their upgrade process to ensure that it is smooth and successful. By following best practices and being mindful of the potential risks and challenges, developers can build smart contracts that are flexible and capable of adapting to changing requirements.